Facts about scientifically tested Cognizin in Forever Focus
1) Brain Fuel
Citicoline is a substance that stimulates the formation of phosphatidylcholine (phospholipids), which is crucial for brain function. Cognizin is a patented, brand-named version of Citicoline. About 30% of the brain’s structure is made up of phospholipids, which support neuronal transmission and give neurons crucial protection. Clinical studies have also demonstrated that citicoline has numerous uses and can enhance different facets of the physiological activity of the brain.
2) Stay Sharp
Any exercise involves using the brain in some capacity. Cognizin supports mental alertness by giving your brain the critical resources it needs to thrive. Your brain needs a sufficient continual supply of energy and good neuronal connectivity to maintain focus and concentration. Cognizin not only promotes healthy brain metabolism but also guards your neural structures from oxidative damage.
3) Maximum efficiency
Cognizin has been the subject of numerous human clinical trials and delivers the nutrients needed to maintain the brain’s energy levels blazing on all cylinders. Cognizin’s effects on healthy, middle-aged adults are one recent example. Researchers at the Harvard-affiliated Brain Imaging Centre at McLean Hospital used the most recent brain imaging technology to detect increases in brain activity among Cognizin users.

4) Flex Your Mind
Cognizin can increase motor speed and the mind-muscle link. Adolescent males who received 28 days of Cognizin Citicoline showed improved attention and psychomotor speed, as well as decreased impulsivity, when compared to adolescent males who received a placebo, according to one study tracking the effects of Citicoline supplementation on motor speed and attention in adolescent males.
5) Stim Free
Without the jitters that come with other sports nutrition stimulants, cognizin promotes focus. Caffeine and other stimulants that can have negative physiological effects and adverse effects are not present in cognizin. The natural and caffeine-free energy-boosting properties that Cognizin offers set it apart from other supplements in the same category. With no jitters, Cognizin provides a mental and physical boost that increases general brain clarity and sharpness. If you want the most effective, stim-free brain enhancer, this is the way to go.
6) 100% pure:
Cognizin is made by fermentation — a natural process. Cognizin is vegetarian, allergen-free, and free of preservatives and additives. In addition, the safety of supplemental Citicoline has been demonstrated in studies in which participants ingested more than the recommended dosage of 250–500mg per day.
Introducing Forever Focus
Traditional herbs, vitamins, and minerals are combined with clinically tested Cognizin in Forever Focus, so don’t simply get through the day—take control of it. Forever Focus blends rhodiola, bacopa, green tea, and guarana extracts with the naturally advantageous properties of vitamins B6, B12, pantothenic acid, zinc*, and the scientifically tested Cognizin to help you take control of your day.
Don’t just get through the day, take charge of it with Forever Focus.
• Features Cognizin a clinically studied, form of citicoline
• Combination of traditional herbs, vitamins and minerals
• Guarana is a natural source of caffeine native to the Amazon
Take four capsules with a morning meal.